Recipe Testing is The Best!

Some days it feels fantastic to bake. This surprises me, I’m not a baker by nature.

There was a time I couldn’t cook a cake from a box, really. (There’s a very silly story about this, I’ll share another time)

I know now that it’s a true trial and error to get comfortable in a kitchen.

These days, I find it difficult to follow a recipe to the “T”, it’s much more fun to twist the ingredients or use my hands rather than wash all those spoons and cups.

I encourage you to experiment in your kitchen to see what happens!

At first, it might just be messy, but then….MAGIC!

Apple bars

Apple Oatmeal Breakfast Bars


3 cups Bob’s Red Mill all-purpose gluten-free flour
1 tsp xantham gum
1/4 tsp aluminum free baking soda
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp ground sea salt
2 tsp ground cinnamon
1/2 tsp cardamom
1 tsp flaxseed meal
1 cup packed light brown sugar
1 cup old-fashioned rolled oats
1 large fuji apple, peeled, cored and sliced very thin (you can use a mandolin to do this, or just chop into tiny bits.
1/2 cup plus 1 tablespoon Melt
2 extra-large free range eggs, at room temperature, beaten
2 tsp pure vanilla extract
2 tbsp molasses
2 tbsp cinnamon for sprinkling on top

Preheat oven to 325°F.

Mix all ingredients together.

Lightly oil (I used coconut oil) a deep baking dish – 9 x 13.

Place dough into dish and push and pat down into dish until it is one even layer.

Sprinkle with more cinnamon if you wish.

Bake for 15 – 20 minutes until toothpick inserted comes out clean.

Freeze leftovers for best freshness.

If you enjoy this recipe and want to learn more about how to take amazing care of you, be sure you sign up for my newsletter above!

Dinner On The Go – Tuna Wrap

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Trying to figure out a meal when you are on the go all the time can be challenging.

I know! 

Today, with a renewed sense of vigor, I take action in my kitchen with a simple multi-grain wrap, a gently mixed tuna, and mixed greens and “Voila!” we have a dinner to go!

Tuna Wrap To Go

For this recipe all you need is:

1 can Tuna in Water

1 tbsp veganaise

1 small handful rinsed mixed greens for each roll up

2 large multi grain tortillas – for wraps

Mix tuna with veganaise. Spread a light layer on 1/2 of each wrap. Top with greens.

Roll and GO! 

Hope you enjoy it!

If you do, make sure you stop into my website for more recipes! or sign up for my newsletter above!

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Our Colorado State Champion

Dominik earned title of Colorado State Champion at COSTA yesterday!

Dominik Champion

Physical activity is an important part of our daily routine.

Did you know that children should exercise at least 60 minutes every day?

Sports such as Tae Kwon Do are great ways to focus your child’s effort and energy.

This has been fantastic for Dominik, increasing his confidence, teaching him responsibility, teaching him to work in a team, and how to work hard toward goals that he has set.

He’s very proud of his victory, as we are of him.

Things That Make Me Happy

Ten years ago I discovered paper crafts.

I’ve always like to make things. As suits my personality, I sometimes sew, sometimes glue, sometimes hammer. It doesn’t seem to matter as long as I can see the end result fairly quickly and it’s something I’ve been able to put my own touches on.

Part of my funk the last few weeks has come from simply not honoring time for creativity. Creativity is one of my most important factors of balance. If I don’t honor this, I begin to be a great big ball of stress.

I don’t need to do a craft daily, but monthly or at least every few months. Sometimes, I just need to sit amongst my crafty things. I look at the colors, the papers, the visions of what I have to create. All came together from inside of me. This, to me, is calming.

Creativity is interesting.

It allows me to connect to a deeper part of myself. A part that still believes in fairies and Peter Pan. (Yes, I DO still believe in magic, it’s part of what makes me look so young *wink, wink*)

I also think of creativity as a way to externalize this inner part of me.

I did believe that “someday when I work from home” I would have more time do these things that I love so much. I would have time to conquer the boxes of projects I once dreamed of doing. But, like my dreaded book keeping, these moments are eluded and I seem to never have the time.

It is this past week, as I drew inside, listened and journaled that I realized I was not honoring this need to be creative.

So, I pulled out a new project last night. I call this my Box of Happiness. I got the project from a scrapbooking club called Swirlydoos. It is supposed to be a recipe box, but I thought I’d end up covering it in food splashes and that just wouldn’t do.


I decided to make something that would make me smile every time I look at it. Hopefully you’ll like it to!

Box of Happiness

Box of Happiness

Box of Happiness

Are you nurturing your creative spirit?

The not so easy side of Hobby Farming

The not easy part pheasant

Along side of our chickens this year, we got a heard (peck? gaggle?) of Pheasant. They are really cool to watch, as these birds are still very much wild, having not been a farmed bird for long. They coo, chirp, buzz, all sorts of neat noises.

As official caretaker of all the fur and feather babies, I spend lots of time with these guys.

I have been noticing as the weather is warming, the males are getting more aggressive.

Mating season approaches!

We did read they would actually kill each other but had no idea how cruel these animals can be toward each other.

Over the past year, we’ve only lost one to what I’ll call comrade cruelty. It brought me to tears and shifted how I feel about them, allowing myself some distance emotionally. Which, since they are food, is probably a good thing.

This past week, I’ve noticed that we have one dominant male who is chasing the other males. In nature, the weaker males would fly away.

They can’t go far since they are in an enclosure and unfortunately that means they are unsafe.

The little guy pictured above is currently in our “garage hospice” keeping safe from the cats.

The dominant male pheasant has pulled all the feathers from his head and neck and actually attacked his body, pecking through to his back bone. Which you can see in the photo below.

The Fall Out of Mating Season


This is the hard part of Hobby Farming. (Or farming in general) I have a lot of “I should have separated them” (not like I have any other place for them) going on in my head.

Jim will be home soon, but until he does, I’ve sprayed antibiotic on him and have him in a quiet, and safe space.

This weekend, we’ll be taking down the herd (gaggle, peck…) to only two males and a few females so will not have this happen again.

This has been one of those very hard lessons this year.

Having nearly completed our first entire year as Hobby Farmer’s we’ve sure learned a lot, not all good but not all bad either.

It’s a gift to be pretty self sustainable, it’s hard work, but every meal that goes on the table from our farm feels like it comes straight from God and not from some God-awful factory farm.

For that, I’m grateful.


Colorado Snow

There’s something truly magical about snow in the country.

The snow is pristine and untouched and lays out in blankets over the plains. The sun spreads sprinkles of light that look like fairies dancing across the fields.

I love this, every second of it.

I wanted to share with you, wherever you are in the world, a glimpse from my morning window.

A glimpse from my window.

A glimpse from my window.

The Other Side of Fear

I think life is so interesting. 

Two Saturdays ago, I was given a gift that will change my perception of your average everyday  fear…forever.


A week before this particular Saturday, I was looking forward on my calendar.

SATURDAY: Meeting with Joe, TKD Scrimmage for Dom, Ice skating with Fam.

I decided that the business meeting should be confirmed and clarified.

In doing so, I found my original impression – what was supposed to be a casual business luncheon of “meeting the team” – changed dramatically to coming in at 8:30 and meeting the group of clients.

Okay, I thought. I’m game. It’ll be early, but I can introduce myself. Nothing big.

The Friday before, (night before) I was up until 1:00 am working on a contract deal that I have.

Needless to say, that 5:00 am came very early, and I found myself a bit groggy and stressed.

I decided to sit down, have a small cup of coffee and check in to Facebook, maybe post about where I”m going to be.

In the first few moments, I realized that the fellow I’m going to meet beat me to the punch with a briefing for his clients that I’d be there with a few tips.


I spent the next hour and a half slamming together words, trying to calm myself down. I’ve never spoken on practically no notice before. What would I say? Suddenly, I felt like I knew nothing. Fear moved in.

I survived, and the event was fine, though not as good as what I would have liked, I lived. I was a bit proud of  myself. I looked at it and I did not even think to run.

Later in the morning, my son Dominik had a scrimmage with his TaeKwonDo Team. Scrimmages had not been his forte as of yet, taking a few swift kicks was not on his priority list of things to do. Previously when faced with quick paced opponents, Dominik would leave the ring, quitting the match.

I can visualize what it’s like underneath all that padding. People are screaming (parents) over top of each other, clapping, cheering and jeering. The opponent and you are face to face. Then, someone kicks you. It’s your opponent, but it’s a swift and hefty kick. It’s not painful but definitely jarring.

In this morning, I’m seeing it through a new lens. This day, it’s like life. Life throws thrusts of events and challenges at you and you have choice.



The particular opponent Dominik faced this morning is fast. She is throwing kicks and punches faster than Dominik has learned to move. He is frightened. Fear has moved in. He begins to cry and turns to his coach when there is a pause in the fight. Tears are streaming down his face, and for the first time in awhile he looks like such a little boy.

In previous scrimmages, this is where he would chose to RUN.

His coach says a few words to him.

Dominik begins to compose himself. His tears clear. He returns to the match.

While he didn’t win the scrimmage itself, he won inside himself. He walked to the other side of fear. He RESPONDED. 

My husband and I were filled with gratitude, pride, and joy at this wonderful shift in our son. He stepped fully into himself, in that one second.

Two hours later, I was skating. I was enjoying the calm, the muting of the ice, the families were just beginning to arrive and my family was already enjoying themselves skating round and round.

I was deep in thought about the morning, reviewing both the morning meeting and the TKD scrimmage.

I was filled with gratitude for the gift of being there and being given opportunities to see life in a different way.

Then, I started to become more present. I could feel the skates under my feet. I felt the crispness of the air in the indoor ice rink. I could hear the voices around me.

I took a deep breath and leaned into my skates for another round and I heard, “Mommy, I DID IT!”.

My heart warmed, another child faced his fear and won.

In another round, “Honey, did you see what I did?”

and another, “I’m going to try something new”

Then suddenly, I realized that I’d been given the gift of seeing fear on every side, in one day. 

Running by ocean photo

The role fear plays in our lives is pivotal.

It can be paralyzing and feel defeating. 

Yet, it’s a simple emotion that if faced, in one single second, it can be over. Then you are on the other side.

Of course there are many different levels and types of fear.

I’m speaking of the fear that you feel when you think of something new. The fear of taking action in your life to change the circumstances you are in to make your life better.

Perhaps this is the fear of changing jobs or careers. It could be the fear of leaving a toxic relationship. It could be the fear of traveling alone, or as simple as learning something new.

Whatever the fear, it’s holding you back. The fear is holding you still, holding you from being your very best self.

You don’t have to let it, all you have to do is take a deep breath and move through it.

Deep breath, act. 



Got Flu?

Every time I turn on the radio I’m hearing about how the flu has taken over the planet like some sort of alien invasion.

They say, it’s worse than in years past and then a doctor will come on to the radio and vouch for the flu shot and hand washing.


With flu shots being sold like Starbucks Coffee on every single corner, I’m curious if they truly believe this is the answer!?

So, you might ask,what really works?

Is there more to preventing flu shots and hand washing?

Is there more to preventing flu shots and hand washing?

1. Yes…Wash your hands.

Hand washing cannot be over rated. This is a very serious practice that we must be consistent about, especially with our tykes. I always ask, and enforce it with my son. But, do you need to be reminded too?

2. Feed Your Army

I explained to my son that he has little blood cells that act like an army.

If you feed this army candy, chips, hot dogs and chocolate all day your army will be fat and lazy. Then when the bad guys like the flu invade your territory, all the army does is lay around and burp. (He got a giggle with this.) Then the flu can make you very, very sick and maybe even kill you.

But if you feed your army with power foods like broccoli, apples, oranges, healthy free range eggs, and my favorite old fashioned Chicken Soup; your army is strong and standing, waiting for those bad guys (flu) and they are ready to kick some bad guy tooshie!

Then, I simply ask him, which do you prefer? Now you Moms out there, which do YOU prefer?

3. Exercise

A bit of moderate exercise just might boost your immune system! Make sure in the winter months you are not subscribed to the couch potato journal and are getting on your feet for at least 30 minutes every day to move your body!

On the worst weather days this is a simple group of games on our X-Box Connect or a quick boost up and down the stairs followed by stretching.

4. Hydrate

Every day, drink water. A well hydrated body made of at least 70% water operates more effectively to fend off unwanted visitors than a dehydrated body struggling to complete it’s own regular functions. How do I stay hydrated? I carry a water bottle. I have a special one I love, with positive and self affirming words on it. I also got one for my son. We always fill our water bottles before we leave our house, ensuring we aren’t persuaded to purchase liquid sugar when we go out into the mass media driven world.

5. Destress

Stress plays a huge role in our health. If you are stressed on a regular basis, it challenges your body on many levels. Your immune system is crippled and you can no longer effectively fend off those bad guys! Okay, that’s nice but what do you do about it?

My favorite ways to overcome my most stressful moments are: B-R-E-A-T-H-E, taking at least three long deep breaths reminds my body that I’m okay.

Go for a walk in a quiet park. Getting connected with nature allows my mind to process and sort things through, leaving me feel calm and in control.

Get a good nights sleep. Things that are so stressful one day can be greatly reduced the next if you have better energy to take them on.

You can see there are many things you can do to help prevent your body from being invaded with the flu, and these things do not require a needle. You deserve to have a healthy and happy winter season. The best way to enjoy it is to make sure you are taking care of you and your family with whole foods, drink plenty of water, get proper rest, exercise, and taking time out to decompress.

So now, you have your own weapons to battle those unwanted aliens! It’s as easy as getting up right now and getting yourself a nice tall glass of water! 

In vibrant health and happiness,




Butterfly Warrior

I’d never been to the National Western Stock Show so thought it was a novel idea presented yesterday by my dear husband!

A little frayed after a long and early rising day of coaching, we headed out the door … as is. It’s extremely cold – like 15 and I’m excited to brave the weather for something new.

This event was HUGE! There were events in three massive buildings (The Coliseum and the complex were full!) with a short walk between. (Which was a gift, since it was FREEZING!) There were vendors, animals of all sorts, and a lot of hot dogs and popcorn.

When we arrived, we walked building to building heading to the rodeo, perhaps the long but definitely most warm way. When we arrived at the coliseum, we made our way through the people seeking our gate.

In a hurried journey toward our gate, I saw an image that absolutely grabbed a hold of me. I stopped dead in my tracks, and hit reverse.

Yep. That’s what I thought I saw. Yep, I need that.

Do you ever do that?


I hollered clearly and direct. “JIM!!!” and changed my course leading me to the item that has caught my attention. 

I cannot believe what I”m looking at. It’s my BRAND. IT’S ME! IT’S MY SPIRIT ON A JACKET!!

A beautiful jacket with a bold, colorful, beautiful BUTTERFLY and the words…Butterfly Warrior across the top. That was it! I’ve never seen anything so appropriate for me in my life.

Instead of paying the outrageous price they were asking, first thing this morning I’ve ordered it. I’m SO excited for it to get here!

I don’t shop for fashion much any more. Since I’m at home a lot, I only need to wear “office dress” once a week, and only dress up once or twice a month. I’ve actually saved a lot of money because of the lack of the need to keep up with the girls in the office. (I didn’t realize how much I was affected by that until I worked at home for some time)

It felt like quite an experience to feel like I could wear my insides on my outsides.

If you were to wear your spirit on your sleeve – what would that look like? What colors would you show? Is there an image, pattern, design, or particular style that you’d share?

Six or so years ago, I had completely lost myself in the drudges of my life. It feels great to know what I love, what speaks to me, what reflects my spirit. It’s like a confirmation that I’ve plugged back in and am living the life I’ve always dreamed of!

Hope you find some magic in your day today too,


A Journey In Wellness

A Journey In Wellness




Hatches Battened

The First Storm 2013



In the summer of 2010 on what started to be a beautiful, sunny, warm Friday, I left work early. I remember a calmness and quiet that day, feeling like my life couldn’t be going in a better direction. My son was yet a toddler and had fallen asleep in the car.

We drove home.

I laid him on the couch and chose to use the quiet time to work on my studies and my future business as a Health Coach in my office. My office is in the West facing side of our home. It’s beautiful and I can see for miles. I often watch birds or the cats playing out front.

My husband called. I picked up the phone and walked to my West facing window, assuming I’d be looking out to a beautiful vision of rolling plains and the distant Rocky Mountains that I love so  much.

Instead, I could see it coming. Dark, dangerous looking clouds loomed in the distance. The clouds were changing quickly and I found what started out as a quiet happy conversation, changing quickly to, “I need to go get Dom. I’ll call you in a few”.

I hung up the phone, ran and grabbed my son, and, as fast as I could, descended the stairs – door closing behind me.

In no more than a minute, glass crashed and the winds were wailing above our heads. We could hear thunderous hail, landing on the wood floors breaking every window it could reach on the West side of the house. Splintering wood, and smashing against every hard surface.

In minutes, the quiet resumed. I was crying. All I could think about was the previous years all the work my husband put into the house – building it – wall by wall, floor by floor with his heart, and every ounce of energy he had. We had just put the finishing touches on it in April of that same year….nearly 10 years after we started. It was crushing to think of the damage. To hear it being broken down.

I cautiously climbed to the top of the stairs ordering my son to stay put at the bottom so I could see that we were safe.

He was crying too.

We were in the eye of the storm. My instincts told me to return to the basement for another round of hail, wind and glass.

What seemed like eternity, but was truly only minutes, the storm raged.

Then passed.

Again, every thing was quiet. This time…too quiet.

I left the house through the front door. Everything was white. Every thing was quiet.

The storm had killed the birds that couldn’t move fast enough. Even the fox that was hiding under the front porch came out battered and deeply frightened.

My heart broke. The house was a wreck.

But in the same note, I held the deepest gratitude for the timely warning. I could see it coming, and because of that, my son and I were safe. 

I’m reminded of this summer today, as a dark winter storm looms over the prairie coming quickly from the west. The practice of presence allows me to know how long I have to get everything secured and prepared for the coming winds and snow. I have quickly cared for all our creatures, making sure their beds have hay, they have water and their shelters are stable and secure.

In my heart, I know that I am safe and so is my family. I was reminded that summer of the gift of presence and listening to my gut.

Have you ever been in a position where you feel you were warned and can look back with clarity that it made a difference in the outcome? 

I’d love to hear about your story!

In vibrant health,
